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Bioluminescence: Living Lightbulbs

With Jessica Hammond

Think of something that makes light. What do you think of? A torch? A lightbulb? The sun? What about a jellyfish, a glow-worm, or a squid’s eyeballs?
Some living things make their own light (bioluminescence) thanks to special chemical reactions. This dazzling glow can help them find food, talk to each other, to defend themselves or even to hide! Come and see some of these tiny living things (dinoflagellates) up close and watch them glow in the dark. We can even use some of them to make artwork or BioArt.


Find out a bit more about BioArt and how you could make some of your own. Please note this will take place in a darkened room.

The Auditorium at The Storey

Wednesday 23 October and Friday 25 October
10am – 12pm